Ellesborough Road Cricket Ground recreation area survey
In the recent HS2 design for the Wendover Green Tunnel area there is a landscaping proposal for the entire section next to the bypass between Ellesborough Road and Folly Bridge. This survey is seeking feedback from the local community about how this area should be re-used after construction of the tunnel. While the narrow strip of land will not allow reinstatement as a Cricket Ground, some 10 hectares of space (25 acres) could be configured for a variety of purposes.
Historically the Cricket Ground was also well used by numbers of dog walkers, and there was a Clubhouse and Car Park available when matches were played. There is an opportunity now to consider how the community could make best use of the space.
HS2's plans anticipate the provision for a cycleway along the top of the tunnel, as part of the "Greenway" between Waddesdon and Great Missenden; and re-instatement of the rights of way between the Station and Ellesborough Road.
Your feedback would be welcome covering the potential use for other sports and activities, such as accessible general parkland, a general purpose community centre and associated car parking facilities.
Please score the suggested facilities with your opinion in the range 1 to 5, where "1" is the highest (must do this) down to "3" (should do this) and "5" (please don’t do this).
Questions marked with a * will require an answer.